Chief Editor: Chris Brogan

“Fusce volutpat – diam sapien, non cons ectetu aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi!”

Aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convallis veltiam gravida felis nec. Vivamus aliquam ornare sapie nec. Fusce molestie adipiscin ornare sapien risus.

Vivamus aliquam ornare sapien non consectetu aliqa suscipit nisi convallis aliquam orn molesti.
Aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convallis veltiam gravida felis nec. Vivamus aliquam ornare sapie nec. Fusce molestie adipiscin ornare sapien lorem ipsum risus.

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Making Mumbai Blind Spot – Free

London has the highest CCTV coverage compared to most metropolises in the world. It is estimated that we can spot the average person on CCTV over 70 times per day. Maintaining surveillance in high footfall areas acts as a deterrent for prevention and tool for the resolution of the crime. Mumbai city currently has about…

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Zicom “Make Your City Safe” – 2.0

The current pandemic has created financial insecurity mainly to the lower strata of our society incrementing increased crime across all our major cities. With all-round job losses and increasing unemployment, Safety and Security has become the prime concerns of the majority of the masses. With the advancement in technology, the nature of crimes being committed…

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Aadhaar Verification – The Perfect Solution

Today, we live in a world dominated by uncertainty, unpredictability and total ambiguity. Ideal situations exist only in a hypothetical realm of our thoughts, and the concept of foresight ceases to exist. During these times, our safety has become a very crucial issue to address. Even when it comes to our homes, we do not…

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